Dinner Conversation with Ms Trina Liang Lin on “My View of Women’s Rights in Singapore and North Korea”
USPOrganised by Cinnamon Conversation and initiated by students, this is a series of informal and relaxed conversations over dinner, between a prof/guest and 4 to 6 students on a topic that the prof/guest is interested in. Ms Liang-Lin is currently Managing Director of Templebridge Investments. She was the president of the Singapore Committee for UN Women and a board member of women advocacy groups like Singapore Council of Women's Organizations (SCWO) and BoardAgender — learn more about her here.
Dinner Conversation with A/P Barbara Ryan on “Imposter Syndrome in USP”
USPOrganised by The Cinnamon Conversation and initiated by students, this is a series of informal and relaxed conversations over dinner, between a professor and four to six students on a topic that the professor is interested in.
Incoming Student Delegation from University of Tehran
USPUSP will host 12 postgraduate students from the Faculty of World Studies, University of Tehran, during their week-long study trip to Singapore. The visit is the reciprocal component of USP’s biennial study trip “Civilisation of Iran”, led by USP faculty Prof Syed Farid Alatas. USP students are invited to join the delegation for the various talks and sessions scheduled throughout their visit, including: Tue, 25 July | 3.00pm – 5.00pm | Master's Commons, USP Discussion with USP faculty A/P Barbara Ryan on American Studies Tue, 25 July | 6.30pm |Master's Commons, USP Dialogue on Sectarianism Thu, 27 July | 11.00am – 12.30pm | Master's Commons, USP Guest Lecture – The Sources of Islamist Radicalism in Southeast Asia
USP Homecoming 2016
USPThis is USP’s very first Homecoming event, a reunion of the many cohorts of USP alumni, right here at USP! It promises to be an afternoon for USP alumni to meet up with professors and old friends, to reminisce the good old days and to reconnect. More details can be found here.
SEAMconference 2016: Constructing the ASEAN Identity
USPUSP students and students from the Yale Student Southeast Asian Movement (SEAM) at Yale University will be organising the inaugural SEAMconference on “Constructing the ASEAN Identity”. This Conference will bring together 100 youths from pre-universities in Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, and the Philippines to discuss pertinent issues regarding education, social inequality and the arts in Southeast Asia, as well as explore how youths can play a part in shaping the future of ASEAN. Ambassador Nina Hachigian, Ambassador of the U.S. Mission to ASEAN, is the Guest-of-Honour for the Conference Opening on 27 May, and will deliver the opening address. Professor Wang Gungwu, Chairman of both the East Asian Institute and Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at NUS, and Chairman of the ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute; as well as Ms Ng Yeen Seen, Chief Operating Officer of the Asian Strategy & Leadership Institute, Malaysia, will also deliver keynote speeches at the Conference Opening. Mr Baey Yam Keng, Parliamentary Secretary for the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth will give the Closing Remarks on 30 May. For more info, www.southeastasianmovement.org/seamconference/.