Our Alumni at a Glance
Take a peek at what some of our alumni are working as in various fields and sectors.
Cassandra Pee (Political Science + USP, Class of 2018) & Imran Shah (Pharmacy + USP, Class of 2018)
Cassandra is an Assistant Manager at the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY). “The USR module made me think and reflect on everything I’ve done in the 4 years of university, especially in my USP modules, and has really helped me to see my interest, what guides me and what I’m very passionate about.”
Imran is a cancer pharmacist by profession. “What I remember from USP is Conversations, Companions, Coffee and Elegant; which is the same abbreviation as our USP values.”
Lim Cheng Lei (Information Systems + USP, Class of 2018) & Teh Chee Yang (Law + USP, Class of 2019)
Cheng Lei is a Customer Success Manager with Microsoft. In his role, he has to interact with people from many different specialisations and “USP gave me that view and spectrum to consider views from other perspectives.”
Chee Yang is a Legal Associate at Dentons Rodyk. He encourages USP juniors to “Go in there with an open-mind, go in there to learn and you’ll get a lot from it.”
Lee De Yi (English Literature + USP, Class of 2017) & Phyllis Brown (Global Studies + USP, Class of 2019)
De Yi is a teacher with the Ministry of Education. “One thing that USP has value-added to me is openness. My USP experience has taught me how to approach a diversity of opinions and interests.”
Phyllis is currently a Master's student at the Hopkins-Nanjing Centre. "Being in USP helped me to be more courageous about talking to people who might come from a completely different background."
Desiree Lim (Industrial Design + USP, Class of 2018) & Esther Neoh (Chemistry + USP, Class of 2018)
Desiree Lim (Industrial Design + USP, Class of 2018) & Esther Neoh (Chemistry + USP, Class of 2018)
Desiree is a design researcher and industrial designer. “USP gave me an avenue to constantly practice my writing and critical thinking skills that I could then apply to design, to craft narratives and critically analyse designs that are out there to identify gaps that can be filled.”
Esther is a media analyst. “USP was a growth community at different stages of my journey. At every stage of the journey, there will always be like-minded people who you can engage with, tap on and always very helpful professors.”
Cheah Wen Jie (Law + USP, Class of 2019) & Devesh Narayanan (Mechanical Engineering + USP, Class of 2019)
Wen Jie is a Deputy Public Prosecutor. “Being in USP for many years and interacting with people from a lot of disciplines, you learn how to communicate complex ideas in a simpler manner, so that people who are not in your field can understand.”
Devesh is currently doing research on the future of work.“USP got me to be interested in ideas outside of my major and also able to communicate with people who are very different from me.”

Ow Yeong Wai Kit (English Literature + USP, Class of 2013)
Wai Kit is an Education Officer with the Ministry of Education. He teaches Defence Against the Dark Arts (disguised as English Literature). During lessons, he occasionally cosplays as characters from literature texts and also plays literature card games with his students. “USP made the bold claim that curiosity is essential for our very identity; it’s nothing less than the defining hallmark of a scholar. To issue the classic rejoinder: if curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back. So USP means curiosity in all aspects; it entails interest in society, especially about the needs of others.”

Alan Ang (Southeast Asian Studies + USP, Class of 2006)
Alan is very much an ‘international guy’. Since graduation, he has been living and working overseas – 2 years in Beijing, 1 year in Jakarta and Hanoi, and 2 years in KL. He currently lives in Berlin and is the CEO of Crosslinked Consulting. “My advice to the juniors would be to enjoy and savour all the pains and gains of being in USP... because they are worth it.”

Cheang Kai Wen (Psychology + USP, Class of 2016)
Kai Wen is an Assistant Manager with the Ministry of Social and Family Development's Rehabilation and Protection Group (RPG) She now works in RPG's Policy Office, after several years on the frontline with the Child Protection Service. “USP truly honed my critical thinking skills and encouraged me to give back to society.”

Annabelle Ng (Chemical Engineering + USP, Class of 2017)
Annabelle is a Product Manager at Open Government Products. On the sideline, she enjoys expressing herself through creative means – she sings, does ballet, ice skates, and plays the harmonica and the piano. “USP reminded me to never stop being curious and never cease asking why.”

Christopher Tan (Mechanical Engineering + USP, Class of 2016)
Christopher is an engineer by training. He currently works as a Robotics Software Engineer at Elid Technology International, where he programmes robots to clean windows. He also enjoys art and stories in their many forms, from novels to comics, to theatre and video games. "Watching A/P Ryan and A/P Loy handle our ideas in class was one of my greatest learning experiences."

Bianca Tham (English Literature + USP, Class of 2017)
Bianca is a regular dumpster-diver and have been featured in Millennials of Singapore. She is a teacher by profession – teaching, to her, is a meaningful job that involves journeying with another person and witnessing them grow. “To me, USP means learning and unlearning things all the time. It means being open and humble to views that challenge yours. USP has also made me deeply value and cherish areas of studies outside my own major. In turn, I encourage my students to do the same.”

Joseph Tan (Computing + USP, Class of 2007)
Joseph is a Technology Consulting Senior Manager at Accenture, and refers to himself as a "tall guy who has fond memories of USP". His best memories of USP were the days where he hung out at Chatterbox with his USP friends. "USP is a community of friends who understand the value and importance of learning."

Gwendolyn Regina (European Studies + USP, Class of 2007)
Gwendolyn is an investor, professional moderator, and founder of OnQuestions. She spent 15 years across the media and technology start-up sectors across Asia Pacific, Paris, and Silicon Valley. She built and sold a tech media start-up, founded an early stage investment firm, led Mashable's expansion into Asia Pacific, and hosted a TV documentary for Channel NewsAsia. These days, Gwendolyn spends her time exploring the question, “What is a good question?” She speaks 3.25 languages, is a certified rescue diver, has jumped off a plane twice, and almost fell to her death into an ice crevasse in Chile. "If I could have majored in USP, I would have. It's what education should be: multidisciplinary and fuelled mostly by curiosity."

Tin Pei Ling (Psychology + USP, Class of 2007)
Pei Ling is a Member of Parliament in the Parliament of Singapore and representative for the MacPherson Single Member Constituency.

Afiqah Nur Fitri Suhaiemi (Economics + USP, Class of 2016)
Afiqah is currently an Economist at the Economics Division at the Ministry of Trade and Industry, after pursuing her Masters at Warwick Univerity.

Kia Jie Hui (Business + USP, Class of 2011)
Jie Hui is a Principal Sustainability Strategist at Forum for the Future. She was the founding member of the Asia Pacific office and is part of the Sustainable Business team that helps businesses in the region to use trends, visions and scenarios to map their route to a sustainable future.

Joel Tan (English Literature + USP, Class of 2012)
Joel is an Associate Artist at Checkpoint Theatre. “Café”, a play written by Joel, was featured at the Twenty-Something Theatre Festival 2016, which celebrates the creative spirit and voice of 20-something year old theatre makers in Singapore. His another play titled "Love in the Time of the Ancients" was shortlisted as one of the top 5 (out of 1,406 submissions) for the 2019 Papatango New Writing Prize. He received a showcase reading at Shoreditch Town Hall in London.
Joel is currently embarking on his Master of Arts in Dramatic Writing at Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London.

Darryl Laiu (Philosophy + USP, Class of 2020)
Darryl is a Video Content Producer at Mothership.sg. He recently gave a candid sharing about life at Mothership.sg with our students. "The USP Professor that impacted me the most was A/P Lo Mun Hou. His class on "The Problematic Concept of Gender" helped me to realise that there are always multiple ways to understand a concept."

Mamta Sachan Kumar (Sociology + USP, Class of 2007)
Mamta teaches Sociology courses to adult learners at the Singapore University of Social Sciences. She enjoys dancing the boogey, writing, poetry, as well as researching about her birth country, Japan. "USP offered me breadth of options and the opportunity to widen and deepen my knowledge scope for the sake of it, and to do it in a close-knit environment with competent and engaging faculty and peers, where dialogue in earnestness was possible."

Ramanan Raghuraman (Computing + USP, Class of 2005)
Ramanan is an engineer, dad, and what he calls a “wannabe aviation enthusiast”. He is a Solutions Architect at Dell Technologies. “USP taught me that interacting with people who are different from you - be it from different academic training, from different parts of the world, or from different backgrounds - gives you great new perspectives and broadens your horizons.”

Felicia Seck (Sociology + USP, Class of 2004)
Felicia works at ExxonMobil, where she is an Experience Design Manager. “The USP professor who impacted me the most is Prof Kenneth Chan, who taught me a module on orientalism. Through his module, we learnt to question biases and stereotypes in movies, like Star Wars, that we had never thought to question.”

Shawn Seah (Economics + USP, Class of 2010)
Shawn is a civil servant by day, and an author by night. He has written two books on famous pioneers in his family – Teochew business and community leader Seah Eu Chin, and his prominent son Seah Liang Seah. “USP has been directly useful and relevant as I could blend different disciplines together, such as economic history and sociology into my history writing, giving different perspectives to local history.”

Stephen Lim (Psychology + USP, Class of 2005)
Stephen is an Associate Professor of Psychology at NUS and Chair of the NUS Teaching Academy. He is also an aspiring amateur pianist. “Discover and harness your unique talent(s) at USP.”

Shane Yan (Psychology + USP, Class of 2008) & Shamantha Yan (Sociology + USP, Class of 2008)
Shane and Shamantha are Directors at Savoir Asia Consulting, which delivers corporate training programmes and provides team solutions to businesses. They are also the founders of Growthbeans, a community of like-minded individuals aimed at empowering individuals and organisations. Shane: “I greatly value the friendships (with admin, professors and peers) made at USP. I’d say that is my biggest takeaway because we are still connected even till today.”
Shamantha: “Chatterbox at Blk ADM was like a second home to me. That’s where friendships were built, projects and events were discussed and prepared; and where we sat to crack our heads to complete our homework. Chatterbox holds some of my most beautiful memories at USP.”

Lim Wei Kian, Aaron (Economics + USP, Class of 2005)
Alvin is now the Director of Intune Music Pte Ltd. He attributes the ability to run his own business to the analytical and problem-solving skills derived from his time at USP. "Understand that knowledge is something that we should seek for, instead of waiting for others to hand it to us."

Tham Soon Kit (Quantitative Finance + USP, Class of 2008)
Soon Kit is the Principal Vice President at BNY Mellon. A risk and operational resilience expert and speaker with a global perspective with grounded experience, he offers in-depth perspectives drawn from the financial services sector. Recognised for his practical expertise at regional banking and regulatory conferences, he has provided valuable insight to breaking new stories and industry best practice forums concerning digital innovations, business disruption, and risk performance. "The transformative USP programme has enabled me to cultivate skills needed to navigate challenges that the fast-paced disruptive world throws at us."

Beatrice Liu (Economics + USP, Class of 2006)
Beatrice is the CEO of Oriental Remedies Group, a Traditional Chinese Medicine clinic chain. She also writes for a wellness and travel blog, and recently became a new mum. "As I was on the Management Committee of the University Scholars Club, my best memory was doing fundraising. We were relatively unknown then, but we secured a couple of notable sponsors."

Justin Khoo (Material Science + USP, Class of 2006)
Justin is the Chief Operating Officer and Founder of 3Elements Leadership Development Co. Prior to this, he was in the Oil and Gas industry for over a decade. "USP Professors were like the fonts of wisdom and learning, so I aspire to be like the professors and teachers who shared their passion for their subjects with me."

Amanda Kee (English Literature + USP, Class of 2017)
Amanda is an Associate Manager (Content Creation) at AVPN, a funders’ network in Asia. In her free time, she enjoys doing pottery. She cites USP as a place that helped to build a strong foundation in her ability to communicate and to articulate her thoughts. “It also build my confidence, while teaching me to be grounded strongly to the community.”

Fairoz Ahmad (Sociology + USP, Class of 2006)
Fairoz Ahmad is the founder and executive director of award-winning social enterprise, Chapter W. The organisation works at the intersection of women, technology and social impact. For his work with the community, he was awarded the NUS Outstanding Young Alumni award (read here). Fairoz’s book, Interpreter of Winds, was published by Ethos Books in 2019. The book is a collection of stories reflecting on the diversity of Muslim experiences across time and space. He also lectures in sociology and community development at Temasek Polytechnic. Fairoz graduated from the University of Oxford with a Master of Public Policy (Distinction) under the Chevening-Oxford scholarship. Read his interview with The AlumNUS magazine here. “To me, USP is the space to experiment and test out ideas that cut across disciplines and boundaries, and the legacy of my USP experience is best reflected in my own bio itself.”

Huang Danwei (Life Sciences + USP, Class of 2006)
Danwei is an Assistant Professor at Department of Biological Sciences, NUS. His research interest lies in coral reef ecology, evolution and conservation.

Jessica Tan (Communications and New Media + USP, Class of 2016)
Jessica is currently working in the Strategic Planning Division of SkillsFuture Singapore, a new statutory board under MOE. She also volunteers with a non-profit organisation, Trybe, in their youth character development programmes.

Li Jingmei (Life Sciences + USP, Class of 2006)
Jingmei is a Senior Research Scientist at the Genome Institute of Singapore. Her research interest lies in breast cancer. She is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine in NUS. In 2014, Jingmei was one of the 15 women scientists around the world to receive the UNESCO-L’Oréal International For Women in Science Fellowship. In 2017, she also won the Women's Weekly Great Women Of Our Time Awards (Science and Technology category). “My advice to the juniors would be: Don't go into college expecting answers, but instead, strive to ask the correct questions!”

Cheah Wui Ling (Law + USP, Class of 2003)
Wui Ling is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law, NUS.
Wui Ling is also the Senior Advisor of the Forum for International Criminal and Humanitarian Law and Adviser of the Case Matrix Network, an independent international non-profit organisation that specialises in strengthening national capacity to prosecute core international crimes.

Chia Chee Yong (Engineering + USP, Class of 2008)
Chee Yong is currently Vice President in the Banking and Finance industry. He is passionate about coaching start-up entrepreneurs and helping young professionals and students through career guidance. He has been a mentor at USP since 2016 and serves in similar capacity with Action Community for Entrepreneurship (ACE), NTUitive and NTUC. “USP presented me with numerous opportunities to stretch and develop myself across traditional disciplines and greatly expanded my worldview during my formative years at NUS.”

Florence Tang (Life Sciences + USP, Class of 2014)
Florence works in a hospital, where she mainly serves older people and their families. Through her daily interactions with her patients, she has learned to treasure life, friendships, and family. "The USP Professor who impacted me the most is Prof Barbara Ryan - she still inspires me to ask probing questions, be curious about the world, and be a good friend to others."

Alvin Eng (Economics + USP, Class of 2003)
Alvin is a finance analytics professional by day, and an aspiring full stack developer by night. He is Executive Director, Head, Finance Analytics at United Overseas Bank. “I’ve had many good memories at USP. If I had to pick out one, I think it would be captaining the USP soccer team beyond the group round against all odds. We even drew with the mighty Engineering team!”

Kenneth Ler (Economics and Business + USP, Class of 2018)
Kenneth’s job at the Economic Development Board involves working closely with global MNCs to grow their businesses in Singapore, with the aim of promoting industry development and creating opportunities for Singaporeans. “USP made me realise the potential of ground-up events in connecting and empowering people. I try to do that at the workplace and in church.”

Yuanchen Xueyan (Business + USP, Class of 2015)
Xueyan is a Senior Executive at The Ascott Limited. At USP, she learnt that it is okay to be who you are, instead of trying too hard to blend in. “I will always remember Dr Daniela Plewe and Dr Saif Khan. Dr Daniela Plewe for forcing many of us out of our comfort zones and for teaching us to defy mainstream ideologies, and Dr Saif Khan for showing us the beauty of physics with simple illustrations and beautiful analogies.”

Nur Safiah Alias (Communications & New Media + USP, Class of 2015)
Safiah is a Content Lead at Osome. She has previously done freelance content writing for a breadth of projects, from government to e-commerce. “Enjoy your time at USP. USP has a concentration of people who are willing to accept your ideas. Also, go out of your way to talk to people who are different from you, as you will always learn something from them.”

Lan Yingjie (Life Sciences and English Language (NUS), Linguistics (Waseda) + USP, Class of 2017)
Yingjie is a lecturer of General Paper and English Language & Linguistics at Hwa Chong Institution. "If I had to pick a favourite memory at USP, it'd be a slightly illegal one, where a mechanical engineering major, a sociology major, a biology major, a literature major, and a business major came together to try figure out how to stretch free air-conditioning to the limit. The eventual solution involved a fan and some black trash bags that formed a massive snake, but I'll leave it at that!"

Jeremy Jee (Computer Science+ USP, Class of 2019)
Jeremy is now pursuing a Masters in Public Policy at the University of Tokyo. During his third year at USP, he served as the Honorary General Secretary of the University Scholars Club (USC), and he was later the President of the USC in his fourth year. “The USP Professor who impacted me the most is Dr Quek Ser Hwee. She was a mentor and friend. Discussions with her over current affairs are always exciting, she often provides insights into problems that I face. Most of all it is evident that she cares for her students, and has a strong passion to teach and guide students.”

Amutha Saravanan (Psychology + USP, Class of 2007)
Amutha is the Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer at Da Vinci Group, an educational and training services provider which specialises in neuroeducation. "Because of USP, I never thought the same way. It made me bold, it made me courageous, it made me assertive and dedicated. I am so thankful to be part of this community. It was pivotal in making me the human being that I am today."

Han Songguang (Geography + USP, Class of 2005)
Songguang is the Assistant Director (Uniformed Groups) at the Ministry of Education, where he finds meaning in helping students fulfill their aspirations and succeed in life. "Don't be overly obsessed with doing things well, appreciate the wonders of learning instead."

Huang Kailin (Chinese Studies + USP, Class of 2004)
Kailin is the founder of Picture People Plan, a visual facilitation consultancy that helps companies and people picture their plans and ideas. She recently worked with USP for the Asian Undergraduate Summit 2018. "My best memory at USP was my time as a Writing Assistant at the USP Writing Centre, where we had many conversations towards charity with peers."

Ivan Yow (Life Sciences + USP, Class of 2011)
Ivan is currently pursing his PhD studies under the MBI-NGS Fellowship at the Mechanobiology Institute of NUS. A self-proclaimed science geek, Ivan used to teach Biology at Nan Hua High School and co-lectured the USP module "Creating Wolverine in Real Life!". In his free time, he enjoys reading broadly in all disciplines and finding ways to connect his niche in the sciences with the arts. "USP was my second home. It was my motivation and drive to study not just for grades, but for the passion of knowing how, why, what, when and where."

Tong Miin (Law + USP, Class of 2016)
Miin is currently a Senior Associate at Lee & Lee. She sings professionally whenever legal work affords the time.

Pearl Forss (Sociology + USP, Class of 2004)
Pearl is a Senior Producer (Current Affairs) for Channel NewsAsia. In 2016, Pearl received one of the top accolades in the broadcast world at the New York Film Festivals. Her documentary, “The Organ Bazaar”, about illegal kidney trade received a Silver Award for Best Documentary (Social Issues). Another work of hers – “The New Silk Road” also received a Bronze Medal for Best Documentary Series (International Affairs). “To my juniors, as Mark Twain once said 'Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.' It's true. Do what you don't love and even if it pays you well, it will be hard to find happiness. We spend more time working than with our families, the passion factor is absolutely critical.”

Veerappan Swaminathan (Mechanical Engineering + USP, Class of 2011)
Veerappan is the founder of Sustainable Living Lab (SL2) which facilitates innovation projects that address the needs of the 3P (Public, Private & People) sector such as closing the technology skills gap, promoting a green economic recovery and achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In 2018, SL2 was invited to represent Singapore at the UN High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development. In 2020, SL2 partnered with Intel in their 2030 Corporate Responsibility Strategy through several AI skills training projects impacting 30 million people in 30 countries. “My best memories of USP are the many unscheduled thought-provoking discussions held at the common room, Chatterbox, which always expanded my intellectual horizon."

Ang Jin Hui (Computing + USP, Class of 2015)
Jin Hui is currently Vice President at the United Overseas Bank Limited (UOB). He took the less-vaunted GCE Normal (Technical) route, before heading on to a vocational institute and polytechnic, then coming to NUS. “USP allows you to challenge the unknown, gives you the freedom to explore and offers the opportunity to create your own success story.”

Lee Min Xuan (Business + USP, Class of 2010)
Min Xuan is the co-founder of PlayMoolah, an innovation company that specialises in digital products to improve financial literacy in young people.

Cai Yunci (Geography + USP, Class of 2005)
Yunci teaches museum and heritage studies at the University of Leicester. “USP opened my eyes to the world. From the humanitarian trip to Sri Lanka after the 2005 Indian Ocean Tsunami, to the anthropological explorations of Africa, to the classical art of China, and many more. My experiences in USP piqued my curiosity about the world, and gave me the courage to pursue my passion in heritage and museums.”

Wei Jing (Computer Science, Philosophy, Political Science + USP, 2016)
Wei Jing currently works as a Software Developer. He loves outdoor activities such as hiking, mountain climbing, sailing, and running. He has also trained the Singapore and Malaysian International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) teams, both of which have obtained international gold medals. “The interdisciplinary nature of USP keeps me open-minded. I learnt to accept and digest different ideas from people with different professions and viewpoints. It also keeps me enthusiastic about learning new things.”

Kim Chan (Physics + USP, Class of 2014)
Kim is a teacher with the Ministry of Education. She loves the challenge of teaching, and having to constantly modify her teaching methods to suit the needs of her class. She finds her work exciting, fun and dynamic at the same time. Outside of work, she enjoys music and shopping. "Read widely, think out of the box and don't be afraid to try out new ideas."

Christopher Chok (History + USP, Class of 2014)
Christopher is a Learning and Development Specialist. Outside of work, he is a content developer for The Birthday Collective, the team behind the critically acclaimed Birthday Books, and a trained interfaith facilitator. “To my juniors, amidst the hustle and bustle of NUS and USP, I hope you’ll take time to slow-down, recalibrate, and truly receive – in abundance and gratitude – all that NUS and USP has to offer. Once you’ve done so, consider how you and the USP community can (better) serve and contribute back to society.”

Felicia Chan (English Literature + USP, Class of 2006)
Felicia describes herself as a bit of a dreamer, and is often lost in fictional worlds. A librarian by profession, she currently looks after the operations of all public libraries in the central region of Singapore. "USP opened my eyes to a whole new way of thinking about things - thinking in terms of connections rather than within boxes - the ability to deal with complex issues. It gave me the courage to question and also the humility to accept that there is so much I do not know.”

Jacky Chew (Business + USP, Class of 2011)
Jacky is a Corporate Actuary at Pacific Life Re. When he was an undergraduate at USP, he led a group of 18 on a youth expedition to Yunnan. The team helped to refurbish the school library, fundraise for rural sewage development, and educate students about basic hygiene practices. “To me, USP is a close-knit community which allows us to interact with fellow students from different disciplines and understand each other’s viewpoints towards different topics.”

Eddie Choo (Sociology + USP, Class of 2012)
Eddie is a research associate at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, NUS. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, writing, and running. “Get to know the people around you - USP and university is the last opportunity to be around a similar group of people with some common dreams, and a shared journey. You never know how, and when you might see them again.”

Grace Ng (English Literature + Communications and New Media + USP, Class of 2017)
Grace is a senior scriptwriter at Mediacorp Studios. She was involved in USP Productions every year during her time at USP, and in 2016, the script she wrote for the play 404 Not Found was staged by USP Productions. "USP gave me so many things - unique classes, Independent Study Modules, the best student theatre, the writing centre, overseas opportunities, spaces to pull all-nighters, and great friends."

Charlie Tan (Engineering + USP, Class of 2005)
Charlie is an Engineer at the Centre for Strategic Infocomm Technologies, in the field of computer security. He enjoys improvised theatre, which is a great platform for him to explore characters, circumstances and themes that he is rarely exposed to in life. "Take risks while you still can. When life weighs you down later on, you slowly realise that it gets more difficult to recover from failure as time goes on. You will always regret the things you have not done, and occasionally regret the things that you have done."

Ng Ying Tat (Computer Engineering + USP, Class of 2009)
Ying Tat is with the Singapore military, where he finds meaning in being at the forefront of defending Singapore and in helping the young men under his charge develop their potential. His connection to USP runs deeper than simply having spent his student days here, it is a conjugal one as well - he first met his wife back at USP when they were both still undergraduates, and chose to come back to USP to exchange their wedding vows. "USP taught me to think more critically on issues and not be easily swayed by the media."

Jayne Lim (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering + USP, Class of 2013)
Jayne is a Masters student at Columbia University where she is pursuing a Masters in Technology Management. Previously, she was the Associate Director in the Group Digital Banking department of Standard Chartered Bank. In her free time, she enjoys travelling, eating and cooking. "Question assumptions, and never stop learning!"

Varun Soni (Engineering Science + USP, Class of 2016)
Varun is currently working as a Growth Account Executive at Twilio Inc. He is also a founder at Antler, a venture capital firm with offices in seven cities across the globe.

Alexius Yeo (Geography + USP, Class of 2010)
Alexius is the Director of Carbon InQ. With his team at Carbon InQ, they teach agriculture-based experiential learning programmes at schools and corporate firms. He is also the founder of Project 33 – a family initiated farming movement that aims to unite neighbourhoods through community farming, cooking, educational activities and the practice of sharing. “USP is a place where diverse interests find common ground. My time in USP has also reinforced my identity as a tree hugger and helped me carve out my niche interest and aptitude towards nature and sustainable design.”

Edna Chai (Life Sciences + USP, Class of 2015)
Edna completed, and was awarded, her PhD in 2020. She is currently a postdoctoral research officer at Queensland Institute of Medical Research Berghofer (QIMRB), Australia. Her research interests lie in exosomes, tumour microenvironment, and immune landscape at the pre-metastatic niche. Outside of the laboratory, Edna spends most of her time tending to the garden or engaging in dog-training and well-being. “USP means family, where the best memories are created through our constant curiosity to learn and engage. I always tell all my mentees: Don't be too fixated on getting results. Instead, engage and immerse in the process of learning as it is the journey that would shape your path as you work towards your aspirations."

Imran Tajudeen (Architecture + USP, Class of 2002)
Imran is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture, NUS. His research interests lies in critical perspectives in urban heritage studies, vernacular urbanism, and house and mosque architecture in Southeast Asia.

Ling Pei Shan (Political Science + USP, Class of 2009)
Pei Shan is a Foreign Service Officer at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She is based at the Singapore Consulate-General in Shanghai.
In November 2015, Pei Shan coordinated China President Xi Jinping’s visit to Singapore.

Seow Wei Qiang (Life Sciences + USP, Class of 2014)
Wei Qiang is pursuing a PhD in Genetics at the University of Cambridge, on a A*STAR NSS (PhD) Scholarship. His research interests lies in genetics, biotechnology and bioinformatics.