CKC–USP Summer Seminar 2021: Strategic Leadership, Innovation and Society

In its third iteration, the CKC–USP Summer Seminar engaged a total of 24 students from CKC and USP. While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt overseas traveling, the student participants continued to experience novel online formats including virtual tours, round table discussions and free debate virtually.

In spite of the pandemic, the students were able to interact with peers from across the globe. Without compromising the aspect of cultural exchange, students from both universities prepared a virtual tour of their campuses to showcase their culture. (in pre-COVID-19 times, students would have traveled to the country of the hosting institution for firsthand experience)

On the final day of the seminar, the students engaged in a series of debates against each other, applying the contents covered in the various lectures. The debates, with topics covering history, technology, society, ethics, and education, fully demonstrated the contrasting views of students from different majors and backgrounds. Through the debates, student participants had the opportunity to hone their argumentative skills, with each team putting forth their counterarguments persuasively. Despite the complex nuances of different topics and language barriers, the student participants managed to overcome the various challenges and were able to establish a network of friends across the globe.