Associate Professor
University Scholars Programme,
National University of Singapore
(65) 6516 4762
Brief Introduction
A/P Donald Favareau is an Associate Professor in the University Scholars Programme (USP) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He received his degrees in Philosophy and Applied Linguistics, with a particular interests in Philosophy of Mind and the Neurobiology of Language, from the University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA.
He became involved with the interdisciplinary research project of Biosemiotics in 2001 and have been an active researcher and organiser of the field ever since. A/P Favareau holds joint appointments as a tenured research professor in both USP and the Department of Communications and New Media at Faculty of Arts and Sciences in NUS. He also have served as Vice-President of the International Society for Biosemiotic Studies since its founding in 2005.
Teaching Modules @ USP
A/P Favareau teaches in the domains of Writing and Critical Thinking, and Sciences and Technologies. He offers the following modules:
He previously offered the following modules:
- Biosemiotics: Signs in Nature
- Controversies in the History of Ideas
- Ethnomethodology: The Semiotics of Everyday Life
- The Politics and Rhetoric of 'Green'
Research Interests
- Cognitive Science
- Biosemiotics
- Philosophy of Mind
- History and Philosophy of Science
- All aspects of Biology and Life Science
Title of Independent Study Modules (ISMs) Previously Supervised (for USP students)
- Examining the assumptions of animal language-learning experiments using the phenomenology of Martin Heidegger
Selected Publications
Kull, K. and Favareau, D. (in press). Neurosemiotics and the Mechanisms of Animal Semiosis. In The Routledge Handbook of Neurosemiotics. García, A. and Ibanez. I. (Eds). London: Routledge.
Favareau. D. (2020). The Layperson’s Guide to Teleodynamics. Biosemiotics 13 (3): 443-452.
Favareau, D. (2018). Life in the Co-operative Transformation Zone. In Co-operative Engagements in Intertwined Semiosis: Essays in Honour of Charles Goodwin. Favareau, D. (Ed.) Tartu: University of Tartu Press.
Favareau, D. (2015). Creation of the Relevant Next: How living systems capture the power of the adjacent possible through sign use. Journal of Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 119 (3): 588-601.
Favareau, D. (2015) Symbols are grounded not in things, but in scaffolded relations and their semiotic constraints. Biosemiotics 8 (2): 235-255.
Favareau, D., Cobley, P. and Kull, K. (Eds.) (2012). A More Developed Sign: Interpreting the Work of Jesper Hoffmeyer. Tartu: Tartu University Press.
Favareau, D. (Ed.) (2010). Essential Readings in Biosemiotics: Anthology and Commentary. Berlin: Springer Science.
Favareau, D. (2008). Understanding natural constructivism. Semiotica 172 (1): 489-528.
Favareau, D. (2008). Collapsing the wave function of meaning: The epistemological matrix of talk in interaction. In A Legacy of Living Systems: Gregory Bateson as a Precursor to Biosemiotics. Hoffmeyer, J. (Ed.) Dordrecht: Springer-Verlag, pp. 169-212.
Favareau, D. (2006). The evolutionary history of biosemiotics. In Introduction to Biosemiotics: The New Biological Synthesis. Barbieri, M. (Ed.) Dordrecht: Springer. pp 1-67.
Favareau, D. (2002). Constructing representema: On the neurosemiotics of self and vision. Semiotics, Evolution, Energy and Development Journal 2 (4): 3-24.