University Scholars Programme,
National University of Singapore
(65) 6516 8298
Brief Introduction
Dr Charles Burke is a Lecturer in the University Scholars Programme (USP) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). On his academic background, he pursued his undergraduate studies in Environmental Sciences at the Bishop’s University in Quebec, Political Science for his Masters at the University of Windsor and received his PhD in Geography from McMaster University.
Learn more about Dr Burke in this interview under USP Highlights.
Teaching Modules @ USP
Dr Burke teaches in the domains of Quantitative Reasoning Foundation and Sciences and Technologies. He offers the following modules:
Research Interests
- Network Analysis
- Transportation
- Trade and Economics
- Cryptocurrencies
- Sustainability
Titles of Independent Study Modules (ISMs) Previously Supervised (for USP students)
- PoGo to PoGone? A study PokemonGo's appeal towards different generations
- Perception of Meritocracy across race
- How accessible are community gardens
- Optimising the module selection process for students in the University Scholars Programme (USP)
- Investigating the potentialities of recovering PMDs as a mode of transport in Singapore
- Pointless jobs in society: a review
- Operationalising social compliance of smallholder farms
Selected Publication List (see more in CV)
Ng, Wai Ching & Burke C.M. (2020) Internet and Happiness in West Africa: The Next Billion Users are Not a Single Entity. GHTC IEEE 2020.
Burke, C.M. & Scott, D. M. (2018). Identifying “Sensible Locations” for Separated Bike Lanes on a Congested Urban Road Network: A Toronto Case Study. The Professional Geographer 70 (4), 541-551
Burke, C. M. & Scott, D. M. (2016). The space race: A framework to evaluate the potential travel-time impacts of reallocating road space to bicycle facilities. Journal of Transport Geography, 56, 110-119
Burke, C. M. (2015). A comparative analysis of cross border travel influences at the port level: Pacific Highway/Douglas, BC—Blaine, WA and Windsor, ON—Detroit, MI. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 16, 95-101