Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory (S/U) Options
For students matriculated in AY2016/2017 and onwards
In general, students may exercise the S/U option for up to 32 MCs in the first two regular semesters; if this is not fully utilised, the S/U option may still be exercised in subsequent semesters, for up to 12 MCs.
Variations on the limit of S/U options that can be exercised may apply for specific groups of students, such as the following:
- Students without prior university experience but are granted 20 or more Advanced Placement Credits (APCs) at the point of admission to NUS may exercise the S/U option for up to 20 MCs in the first two regular semesters; if this is not fully utilised, the S/U option may still be exercised in subsequent semesters, for up to 12 MCs.
- Students with some prior university experience (which are being recognised towards the NUS degree) may exercise the S/U option for up to 12 MCs anytime during their candidature, including the first two regular semesters.
- Students with a prior university degree are not eligible for the grade-free scheme.
The S/U option will apply to all Level 2000 USP modules with the exception of WCT and QRF modules. All WCT and QRF modules are not eligible for S/U.
For students matriculated in AY2014/15 and AY2015/16
Students may exercise the S/U option for up to 32MCs towards their degree requirements, of which 20MCs may be exercised during the first semester and the remaining 12MCs any time during the candidature. The S/U option will apply to Level 1000 modules and Level 2000 modules offered without other NUS modules as pre-requisites, unless otherwise stipulated by the Faculties/Departments.
USP modules (Level 2000, with the exception of WCT and QRF modules) will be eligible for S/U for USP students matriculated in AY2014/15 and onwards. USP students enrolled in either the writing and critical thinking (WCT) or the quantitative reasoning foundation (QRF) module in Semester 1 will be allowed to carry forward 4 MCs to Semester 2. Only unused S/U MCs from the 20 S/U MCs may be carried forward from the first semester. The number of S/U MCs carried forward varies for each faculty/programme. Up to 8 S/U MCs may be carried forward, regardless of any other additional faculty/programme provision. The carried forward S/U MCs are to be used only in the student’s second active semester (not including the Special Terms) and not beyond. Please refer to general guidelines of the respective faculties.
As a general guideline, in order to graduate with a USP certificate, USP students must ensure that they have at least six USP modules which are letter-graded, and obtained at least an Honours (Merit) degree.
For students matriculated before AY2014/15
Students matriculated before AY2014-15 may not exercise the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) option for all USP modules read.
For more information on S/U Option Policy, please refer to HERE.
For information on the USP requirements applicable to each cohort, please refer to USP Academic Requirements.