USP Reading Room
The Reading room is open for NUS College students to embark on self-study in-between classes. It is equipped with a wide range of reference books, fiction, magazines, and videos for loan. It also houses Brainfood, a collection of readings and books recommended by NUS College faculty, students, alumni, and administrative staff.
Drop by Cinnamon South Learn Lobe, #01-01, and check out your next book!
Mondays – Thursdays
2pm – 8pm
Fridays – CLOSED
Recess and Reading Week
Mondays – Fridays
2pm – 10pm
Log in here to access the Catalogue:
Login to NUS College Online Library
For any enquires, Please reach out to the Head Librarian,
Clay Lim on telegram @uncookedbrick!
Loan Policies
Loan periods and quotas:
Books or DVDs with green sticker (for module): Within the same day*
Regular books/Wang Gungwu/Career Guidance/DVD: 1 week [3 books per student]
Brainfood (blue sticker)/Brainfood Plus (blue+orange sticker): 2 weeks [3 books per student]
*Please do not take these materials out of the library.
Penalties :-
If the borrowed books are returned 30 mins after the due time, the student will be barred from borrowing books for 2 weeks.
If the books are returned one week after the due date, the student will be barred from borrowing for 1 month.
If the book is lost during the loan period, the student will be required to pay twice the book price for replacement. Borrowing would only be allowed after the penalty fee is paid.
General Rules
Please :-
- be appropriately attired.
- lower your voice so as not to disturb other users.
- do not smoke, drink or eat in the premise.
- do not reserve any seats.
- do not remove any materials without notifying the counter staff.
- show your matriculation card to the counter staff when borrowing materials.
- return all materials punctually when due (otherwise you will be subjected to a penalty).
- show your books and personal belongings upon request.
- return books to its original location after reading or when returning.
- pay borrowing fines when due.
Important to Note :
- Mutilation and theft of Reading Room materials are offences punishable by law. In the case of NUS students and staff, one is also liable for disciplinary actions. Students found guilty could be liable for dismissal from the University.
- NUS College will not be held responsible for the loss of any personal belongings of users. A NUS College staff has the right to:
- ask students to leave the Reading Room if they are inappropriately dressed or are causing a disturbance.
- remove any book, file, bag, food or any other personal belongings left on reading tables if unclaimed at the end of the day.
- ask a non-NUS College student to leave the Reading Room.
New Books Arrival
Title of Books
A beautiful question : finding nature's deep design
A philosophical investigation
A universe from nothing : why there is something rather than nothing
A world of three zeroes : the new economics of zero poverty, zero unemployment, and zero carbon emissions
Aping mankind : neuromania, Darwinitis and the misrepresentation of humanity
Being mortal : medicine and what matters in the end
Cooling-off day
Future politics : living together in a world transformed by tech
Excellent sheep : the miseducation of the American elite & the way to a meaningful life
Girl made of gold
Heaven has eyes
Homo Deus : A Brief History of Tomorrow
Is God a mathematician?
Man's search for meaning
Nudge : improving decisions about health, wealth, and happiness
On fire : the (burning) case for a green new deal
Persuasive games : the expressive power of videogames
Quantam information : from foundations to quantum technologiy applications (Volume I)
Quantam information : from foundations to quantum technologiy applications (Volume II)
Sophocles I
Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman! : adventures of a curious character
The art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye
The blank slate : the modern denial of human nature
The internationalists : how a radical plan to outlaw war remade the world
The rattle bag
The righteous mind : why good people are divided by politics and religion
The shallows : what the Internet is doing to our brains
The summer book
This is what inequality looks like : essays
They told us to move : Dakota - Cassia
Thinking, fast and slow
Void : the strange physics of nothing
Weapons of math destruction : how big data increases inequality and threatens democracy