CKC–USP Summer Seminar: Strategic Leadership, Innovation and Society

Since 2019, the Chu Kochen Honors College (CKC) and USP have jointly host a one-week long summer seminar under the theme ‘Strategic Leadership, Innovation and Society’. Broadly, the seminar covers the basic concepts of future leadership and topics in computer sciences, medicine, innovation and strategic management, sociology and environmental arts. Through the seminar, students will learn from leading professors from Zhejiang University and NUS in their areas of expertise alongside their peers from CKC and USP.   This joint seminar also covers the interdisciplinary research in each subject and aims to shed some light on students’ future planning.  

Structure of the Seminar
The lectures are conducted in seminar style with a strong emphasis on peer discussions following short lectures.  Each topic lasts for 1 to 3 hours with combination of lectures and discussions, of which the latter serves to clarify and deepen discussion beyond what students would do after each class as well as to prepare them for their debate or presentation.

At the end of the seminar, students will complete assignments which may include round table discussions and presentation or free debates on the topic(s) given. To encourage dynamic teamwork and interactions, students with different academic backgrounds will be assigned into groups for the assignments.

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